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Tax whistleblower collects $2 million reward from IRS, lawyer says

Nemyslím si, že je správné, pokud státy oceňují (a navíc takto významně a málo skrytě) donašeče a podvodníky (jinak se totiž čin, kdy někdo ukradne data svého zaměstnavatele, nazvat nedá). Myslím, že státy mají dost legálních nástrojů (jen je chtít a umět používat!) pro postihování nelegálních daňových praktik a neměly by se snižovat na úroveň zlodějů (nebo že by se z jejich strany ani o žádné snižování nejednalo ? …)

Níže tedy cituji zdroj z NBC News.

By Reuters

WASHINGTON – A tax whistleblower received a $2 million reward from the Internal Revenue Service for his role uncovering an alleged multimillion-dollar tax-avoidance scheme attempted by Illinois Tool Works Inc in the late 1990s, the whistleblower’s lawyer said on Thursday.

The informant, a Wall Street banker who remained anonymous to protect his career, previously received two other million-dollar payouts from the IRS, said his attorney, Erika Kelton, with Phillips & Cohen in Washington.

His reward last week could have been larger if his claims were brought forward under newer IRS whistleblower rules revamped in 2006, she said.

Informants to the IRS only receive rewards after taxes are collected, based on the information they provide. This whistleblower filed his claim with the IRS in 2001.

Zdroj: Tax whistleblower collects $2 million reward from IRS, lawyer says – Bottom Line.


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